Do you seem to get passed over for job after job? When did you design your resume, last week, 10 years ago? The fact is that many employers and recruiters today have a sea of resumes to review for every job opening. You must design your resume to stand out from the crowd, so you will be noticed. Here are a few resume fixes you need to make right now:
- Your resume should be easy to read. A clean, well-organized resume will be easier on the hiring manager to glance through and pick out the important elements they are looking for. If you choose to use a template, be sure that it is a clean, professional look. Keep everything left justified and only use bold lettering, italic font, or bullets in specific areas to highlight your skills.
- On average the person reviewing your resume will spend six seconds scanning it. Make those six seconds count – make sure that you have the most important information near the top of your resume, and highlight the most important aspects.
- Typically, the hiring manager or recruiter is scanning your resume for keywords or skills that are associated with the job they are filling. Your best option for getting your resume noticed, is to incorporate some of those keywords into your resume and skills area.
- Many resumes lack a summary at the top of the resume. It is critical that you have a well written summary at the top of your resume. This is your opportunity to shine! It should include important information about you, your skills, and your goals. Many hiring managers and recruiters only read the summary. If you have trouble writing, hire someone to write it for you!
- Always include facts and figures on your resume. For example, include a statement that provides proof that your skills in construction management helped to increase sales by 20 percent, or lowered wasted material expenses by 10 percent. This shows some proof of the skills you have listed.
- Always make sure that your online resume matches your printed, paper copy resume. Many times recruiters and hiring managers will check your online status and you will want them to match.
- Typos and grammar mistakes are killers on resumes. If you are constructing your own resume, give it to someone else to proofread for you before sending out. Or, hire someone to construct your resume for you. The bottom line is that it must be free of errors.
If you want to get noticed for that next job, you must have a current, well-written resume. Consider the tips above and review your current resume to see what changes you must make.
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