For far too many years, you could look around a construction site and see dozens of workers just standing around.  While this led to a bad reputation for construction workers, it also cost construction companies thousands of dollars.  The number one comment to hiring managers during this time was, don’t be a casualty of over processing.

Of course, in today’s construction world, you do not see many workers standing around.  Due to the shortage of workers, many construction companies scramble to find any worker.  Unfortunately, this has led to over processing again, just in a different way.  Here are a few ways you can prevent over processing in your company:

  • Before you begin hiring workers, make sure that you have a clear schedule and plan of exactly what type of workers you will need to hire. More does not necessarily mean better.  Throwing more workers at a project is not the answer.  When you know exactly the type of worker you need, it will be easier to concentrate on finding that one person!
  • It is important that you stay with your established quality standards. Do not change them simply because you are having trouble finding workers.  Keeping your standards is important not only for compliance reasons, and to make your customer happy, but workers want to work for companies with established standards.
  • How many interviews do you really need for each worker? Make sure that your process is streamlined and only includes what is important.  It is important to keep the candidate interested, and not drag the process on for weeks or even months.  The candidate will most likely not play along, and your project will become harder to finish on time.  At this point, it will be almost impossible to hire.

Do not get caught up in the days of past – over processing can not only hurt your company, but will limited the type of candidate applying for your positions.

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