Discover Hidden Talent with the 80/20 Rule

If you find that your construction job openings are taking too long to fill, consider looking for a candidate who may not meet all of [...]

Increase Trust and Productivity with Effective Team Building

Team building exercises have a tremendous number of benefits. The better your team knows and respects one another, the stronger the workplace culture and higher [...]

How to Start Making Better Workplace Decisions

On average, we make tens of thousands of decisions a day. Of course, not all of these decisions are conscious or difficult, but each and [...]

Factors that Can Increase Motivation on the Job

Recruitment in the construction industry is fierce. It is definitely a candidate’s market at the moment, with talent shortages and lots of competition. Once you [...]

Conduct Better Interviews with Effective Resume Review

With Baby Boomers retiring in large numbers and Gen X unable to fill the void, now more than ever, there is a smaller candidate pool [...]

How Should You Structure Performance Reviews?

There has been a lot of conversation about the best way to deliver feedback to employees in order to improve their performance and increase retention. [...]

Tried and True Retention Strategies

It is difficult enough just getting someone through the door and onto the construction site. Once you do, the real HR work begins. You need [...]

Attracting Talent Through Digital Marketing

Companies that build and maintain a strong brand image will not only enjoy more job applicants, but also more qualified job applicants. One of the [...]

Why Employer Branding Matters

You might think that the branding of your construction company really only matters when it comes to potential clients. However, your company image and how [...]

3 Do’s and 2 Don’ts of Firing an Employee

Getting fired can be an incredibly traumatic experience. By following these rules, you can make an uncomfortable situation as smooth as possible for all parties. [...]

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