How Construction Managers Improve Productivity

On a construction job, we take pride in how many things we can get done at once. Safety professionals panic when we share this dirty [...]

Big Data

“Big Data” is the current trend and companies are repeatedly reminded that they ignore the storage and analysis of vast amounts of information at their [...]

A Mistake that is Costing you Talent

A well written job posting is the first step to attracting talent. The last time you posted a construction job, did you go to the [...]

Top 5 Steps to Attract the Better Talent Online

It should come as no surprise that a website can be the most important tool in attracting highly qualified talent. An organization’s website can make [...]

Are You Waiting for Mr. / Ms. Perfect?

Perfection is elusive, but almost perfect could be sitting right in front of you. Our decision process-making process impacts our ability to hire great talent. [...]

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