Types of Pre-Employment Checks and What they mean to you

As you begin searching for your new job, you prepare your resume, your interview skills, and even research companies you want to work for.  But, [...]

Tips on Finding and Hiring Construction Workers

Ask any experienced construction company hiring manager, or foreman how they find and keep good crews, and they will all tell you one thing – [...]

The Best Interview Questions to Ask

Businesses today still struggle with finding the best employees.  When asked, they often blame the interview process for their costly turnover rates, and constantly look [...]

Technology, Analytics, and the Construction Industry

The construction industry is still growing by leaps and bounds, compared to several years ago.  Unfortunately, many in the industry are having trouble staying current [...]

How to turn negative feedback into a positive

At some point in your career, you will receive some negative feedback, but how will you handle it?  Will you accept it and make changes?  [...]

Working with low motivated employees

Employers are constantly looking for motivated and engaged employees.  The problem with this is, most employees are not that motivated or engaged in their job.  [...]

Working with a Recruiter

You have made the decision to work with a recruiter, but what does that really mean?  For those working with a recruiter for the first [...]

Where is the Construction Industry Today?

The construction industry seems to be on a steady climb from the recent downfall over the last several years, however, because of the sluggish industry [...]

6 Ways Leaders Earn Their Teammates Respect

Have you often wondered how leaders earn the respect of their team?  Whether you are a new leader or working towards becoming a leader, this [...]

Project Management Interview Tips

Your construction project manager is one of the most important and valued assets in your business.  This manager will oversee projects and make vital business [...]

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