The Effects of a Toxic Work Culture

When was the last time that you thought about your company's work culture? Is it a positive place to be? A construction company where employees [...]

The Different Elements of the Background Check: When to Conduct and What to Look For

Nowadays, background checks are really easy to do, and several online services can complete them quickly and relatively inexpensively. This is a good final step [...]

Why Company Culture Should Play into Your Hiring Strategy

There is an unspoken checklist that every hiring manager knows. You are looking for someone that brings a good education, relevant work experience, and the [...]

How to Write a Job Description That Leads to the Best Candidates

One of the very first things you do when you have an open position is writing a job description. Many recruiters will rush through this [...]

Meeting—and Exceeding—Your Employees’ Expectations

Every employee has needs. The extent to which these needs are met will help determine how happy an employee is, directly impacting their work quality [...]

Is Your Construction Company Prepared for Climate Change?

When you are working on a construction site, you essentially always need to be considering the weather. Rain, water levels, drought, wind, storms, etc., can [...]

The Basics of Pre-Employment Assessments and Why You Should Be Conducting Them

You might think that something called “pre-employment assessments” is just for those in suits and ties sitting behind computers. But really, this is a tactic [...]

Avoid These Common Hiring Mistakes at all Costs

The hiring process is notoriously tricky. To pick the right person for your team, you need to strike the perfect balance of moving quickly (so [...]

Planning for Tough Talks at Work: Before, During, and After

Difficult conversations are a part of life – and they are certainly a part of work life. Maybe you have a worker who has been [...]

How a Career Ladder Can Strengthen Your Team

You might be thinking that having an established career ladder does not make sense for an industry like construction. However, having a clear development path [...]

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