Three Keys to Uncovering Hidden Talent

More often than not, you will not know the extent of a candidate’s potential until they have been in the position for a few weeks [...]

3 Major Reasons Why You Should Be Promoting from Within

Need to fill an open position? Before you post a job description or hire a headhunter, take some time to look at your most valuable [...]

Social Media Recruiting: Do Not Make These 3 Mistakes

When it comes to job recruiting, social media can be your best friend. It opens the candidate pool up to a degree that just was [...]

Finding the Best Applicants for Your Construction Company

When it comes to filling an open position, it’s important to ask around. Put out feelers in your professional network and take note of any [...]

A Guide to Making Solid Hires for Your Construction Company

Attracting the right candidates for your construction team means looking for a special combination of qualities and skills. You will need individuals who can handle [...]

Why Employee Fulfillment Matters, and What You Should Do

When employees are happy at their place of employment, the feeling is often palpable throughout every tier of the organization, from clients to stakeholders. While [...]

Why Your Office Sexual Harassment Policy Is Falling Short 

This is a topic that has gotten a lot of attention in recent months, as news articles continue to uncover just how frequently workplace harassment [...]

4 Major Ways Your Company Can Create an Engaged Work Staff

Company culture is something that everyone brings up about during the hiring process. Talk to any current or potential employee and they will tell you [...]

The Employee Positional Profile or EPP

When considering changing your job descriptions to PRR’s, you should also consider adding EPP’s to your hiring process.  The employee positional profile has become very [...]

Job Descriptions or PRR’s

Due to the shortage of workers in the construction industry, many companies have been forced to hire job candidates that do not typically fit the [...]

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