About Ardith

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So far Ardith has created 395 blog entries.

Ways to Beat a Talent Shortage

It is no secret that the construction industry has struggled over the last few years to find, hire, and retain qualified and skilled candidates.  However, [...]

Turn Your Apprenticeship into a Full-Time Job Offer

Many job candidates today have realized that by taking on an apprenticeship, they have a better path to receiving a full-time job offer, in the [...]

Critical Ingredients to your Hiring Success

Hiring success and finding the right job candidates, which will turn into successful employees is difficult in any industry, but the construction industry has its [...]

Land the Job You Want

You have seen the stats, and you have heard the rumors, landing the job you want in the construction should be easy right now, with [...]

Attracting Talent with Education

Attracting and retaining talent in the construction is difficult currently, however, many companies are starting to think outside the box as to what will attract [...]

Considering a Resume Service?

As a construction job candidate, you might need some help in designing and creating a resume that will grab the attention of hiring managers.  However, [...]

Steps to Landing Your Next Job

It is no secret that job searching is a roller coaster and the cause of much stress and negative emotions, especially for those in the [...]

Interview Questions You Need to Spot Top Talent

Hiring managers often fall in love with certain interview questions, but do your questions reveal what you really need – top talent?  It is easy [...]

Should You Consider a Short-Term Job?

While there seems to be plenty of opportunity in the construction industry, many workers still wonder if they should accept or even consider taking a [...]

Tips for Managing Different Generations at the Job Site

Managing and balancing the gap between the different generations working on a construction site can be extremely difficult, however, these challenges can bring great diversity [...]

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