About Ardith

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So far Ardith has created 395 blog entries.

Enticing Construction Candidates

It is no secret that you need to make your job opportunities attractive to construction candidates in order to entice them to consider working for [...]

Skills to Include on Your Construction Resume

There are hundreds and hundreds of articles and self-help tips on writing the perfect resume.  In fact, you have probably seen and heard it all [...]

Connections that will Optimize your Network

Today’s job market is very different than in years past, which is why it is so important that even those in the construction industry build [...]

Personality Assessments

While many hiring managers have used personality assessments for years, many in the construction industry have stayed away from these tests.  However, recently, many in [...]

Building a Career Roadmap

You have probably read dozens of articles, talked to countless people at networking events, and even paid for some online miracle career roadmap guide, but [...]

OSHA’s Newest Campaign

As a construction hiring manager, you are very familiar with OSHA and their guidelines, however, recently they have just released their new campaign, “Safe and [...]

The Shift to People Engagement

As the labor shortage continues in the construction industry, many companies are expected to make a shift from talent training to people engagement.  The fact [...]

Social Media in your Job Search

Looking for a job in the construction industry, but not sure if social media is relevant?  Many job candidates in this industry look the other [...]

Importance of Transparency

The cold hard truth is that most employees today do not trust their employers.  This has made it increasingly difficult to attract top notch personnel, [...]

Explaining Career Gaps on Your Resume

Your resume is meant to give a potential employer a quick glimpse of your life.  You have spent the time perfecting your resume in hopes [...]

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