About Ardith

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So far Ardith has created 395 blog entries.

Answering the Dreaded Interview Question

For many construction workers, the interview is often very intimating, and when asked the question, tell me about yourself, there is often silence.  Answering this [...]

Looking Past Resume Gaps

If you are like most construction hiring managers or recruiters, you deal with a large number of gaps on the resumes you receive.  For years [...]

True Costs of Unemployment

Unemployment is not something that most construction workers want to talk about, yet it is a very real problem for many.  Being unemployed is very [...]

Identifying Your Strengths and Weaknesses

Many hiring managers and recruiters spend their day looking at job candidate strengths and weaknesses, but seldom have time to look at their own.  However, [...]

Ways to Keep Calm at Your Interview

The majority of people that go to an interview get nervous, even those in the construction industry.  Whether you want to admit it to yourself [...]

Building Culture at a Construction Company

Some hiring managers will say that building a culture at a construction company is impossible, however, many have accepted the challenge and have found ways [...]

Is It Time to Leave?

One of the biggest struggles and most common questions asked among construction workers is whether it is time to leave their current employment and look [...]

These are Costing You the Job

Have you applied for job after job, only to not even get a call for an interview?  It might be because you are making the [...]

Your LinkedIn Background Photo

You probably have not thought about it, just like so many other users on LinkedIn, but the background photo on your profile is another opportunity [...]

Creating Job Descriptions that Attract

A job description in the construction industry is not really enticing.  They often have the same wording, same set of skills required, and often get [...]

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