About Ardith

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So far Ardith has created 395 blog entries.

Would 4-Day Workweeks Hurt or Help Companies? 

You may have recently read in the news that Finland’s Prime Minister is considering a four-day workweek, with six-hour workdays for citizens. This idea is [...]

How Futuristic Technology Is Already Affecting the Construction Industry

Nearly all industries are seeing the promises of technological advancements – and the construction industry is no different. Thanks to a growing number of startup [...]

Make Sure Your Staff Reduction Does Not Lead to a Lawsuit

It is likely that, in a company’s lifespan, the issue of layoffs will arise at some point in time. This is particularly true of project-based [...]

How to Make SMART Goals for 2020

It is hard to believe that, in just a couple days, 2019 will be coming to an end. This year is particularly significant because it [...]

Interview Tips for the Construction Industry

Going into an interview is stressful. You want to make sure that you give the best impression as possible so that you have the best [...]

Stay Healthy On-Site by Eating Right

Construction is one of those industries that can be demanding on both the mind and the body. While many workers spend their hours on the [...]

3 Essential Productivity Hacks for the Construction Industry

For project-based work like construction, it is critical to be as productive as possible. As they say, time is money, and any inefficiencies can quickly [...]

How to Make Resolutions You Actually Keep

The year is quickly coming to a close. For many people – especially those who own a business or manage a team – the last month [...]

How Gratitude Changes Everything

This time of the year has many of us thinking about the things we are grateful for. And while it can often be difficult to [...]

How the Construction Industry Is Becoming More Inclusive

This past year has truly been a landmark for inclusion and representation. Many public stores and restaurants have changed their bathroom signage to not discriminate [...]

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